About Me

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Bristol, United Kingdom
I am a Wildlife Artist, with a keen interest in birds and birding since childhood. This blog is intended as a vehicle for my work in progress, and continuing reportage of voyages into the world of Birding and Nature. Also check out the film channel... http://www.youtube.com/user/TeamPB100 If something appears on this blog, a film record might appear on the channel. I hope you enjoy what you find here. More artwork can be found here... http://philbaber.weebly.com/index.html

11 August 2010

On The Dole with Cat Stephen...

What's this?

A six-foot tall blue man cat?

I'm having none of this!

Ha! You THINK you've got problems?

They don't in any way COMPARE to MINE!!!!

WHO is going to READ this NONSENSE??!!!

Well,  even my day was better than THAT Stephen! And I'm very SURE everyone else's was too! So stop this.
NOBODY wants to read about your day!
We ALL have ENOUGH problems of our OWN!!!

1 comment:

  1. The whole thing is ridiculous!

    A six-foot tall blue(?)man-cat!????

    Frankly we all have enough misshaps of our own???!


    Freedom of speech is a thing of the past!
